Is the sky really falling? If you listen to CNBC you had better run for cover. There has not been a more gloom and doom bunch in my investing career. It appears that many 401K's have been laid to waste. It is not possible to trust 'risky' stocks like Apple and Mosaic. They are so manipulated that the brokerage houses cannot keep up.
- The stock market is being manipulated by the Ivy League Boys who run the hedge funds. Shalom to you. Greenberg who walked away with hundreds of millions of dollars; Lehman and the boys that that ran Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac, did they leave with a hole in their IRA or retirement? I think not!
- If that were not scary enough, we have a community organizer and 143 day seniority Senator with a post boomer of four decades in the Senate - entirely too many - running for the leading, top most jobs in the world. That is scary!
- Opposing them is another post boomer of over 20 plus years in the Senate who might have been in there longer, but he was tied up at the time he should have been campaigning. He has a current Governor for a running mate from the large rough neck state, Alaska, who has at the age of 44 has spent more time in the Executive branch of government than the three men combined, Sara Palin, a Christian lady with style and class.
- Sarah threw the fear of the unthinkable into the Democrat candidates handlers and the first thing they thought to do (after showering and changing their pants) was start trying to dig up as much dirt as they could even to the point of having some slob of an unwashed freak comic(?) from the UK to beg and plead for Americans to vote against Sarah.
- Then came a paid columnist to call anyone who voted for Sarah Palin "white trash." How dare she? It is obvious to many people that the Canadian columnist is the position of having lost her credibility in Canada so she will see if we blink. We won't! That smear tasteless woman, aka 'writer,' has obviously bought into the very thin full of holes Democrat platform which continues to endorse partial birth abortion while criticizing the U.S.A. qualified Vice Presidential candidate for moose hunting. HUH? If that makes sense to you, please do not vote.
- Frankie has been a bow tie conservative Republican since the days of Barry Goldwater and had not given a retirement account, 401K or IRA a thought. He voted for one Democrat and that was Carter only because he was a 'favorite son' from Georgia. No that was a really big mistake. He, without a doubt, has been the worst President to date, but the best house builder. He has bordered on treason in the eyes of many. He needs to retire and sit and whittle in Plains. I wonder if his retirement account has suffered in the past few days?
- Frankie interviewed a Democrat some four months ago just shortly after Hillary was a "shue in," and following the other candidate leading in the vote, and they said at that time that they were(I am) voting for him." They knew less about him then than now which is darn little. There is something badly tainted about a vote like that. "Don't confuse me with the facts, my mind is made up." Too late to teach that one new tricks.
- It appears that some of the pundits and, yes, some of the voting citizens (or not), believe we have lost our leverage in the political arena and it is 'just too complicated,' or 'I just don't (read as 'take') have time,' 'my one little vote can't do any good,' 'who is running?' We CAN make a difference and we really do need to. We need to put some more legs under our retirement accounts and be able to live the life we had all planned on.
- Allow your voice to be heard NOW, before the registered and not so registered get in the booth and decide your tax rates, Supreme Court Justices, health care, and who they will allow to manipulate your retirement years.
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